Body Dysturbia
So Say We All has partnered with multimedia artist Joey Elwell to create a traveling storytelling art exhibition that seeks to broaden its audience’s capacity for empathy.
By donning a VR headset and reclining in our private pod space, audiences will experience true stories told by strangers about their relationship with their bodies, from the perspective of inhabiting the nude bodies in question.
Experience the bravery and vulnerability of ordinary people, showcased with new technology, that will comfort the afflicted and challenge the comfortable. We hope to simulate a compassionate kind of body dysmorphia that mimics the experience of feeling like a stranger in one’s own flesh, challenging the concept of what defines our sense of self, and showcasing the commonality of our bizarre relationship with our bodies.
Coming soon to a gallery, festival, or event near you! Follow on Instagram at @bodydysturbia on InstaGram.
If you are someone who would be interested in participating in this project as a storyteller and model, please click the button below to sign up for more information.