Black Candies
Black Candies is SSWA’s journal of literary horror with a commitment to diverse voices. Black Candies is a place where “genre” is not a dirty word. It’s a place where respectable and serious writers can indulge their darkest and weirdest tendencies. It’s a platform for authors to create intelligent terror. Black Candies: A Journal of Literary Horror wants to unsettle you.
As the inspiration behind the radio series of the same name, this beautiful paperback anthology contains true stories from veteran and active duty writers across the US and its bases abroad, told in their own words, straight from their own mouths, on the topic of returning from deployment and transitioning back into civilian life. At times poignant and darkly humorous, the wit and insights of these voices are an important and well-wrought addition to a conversation we all need to be having. Your purchase of the book not only helps So Say We All continue to produce the radio program, it helps the contributing writers spread their work, and if you gift it for a veteran or a family member of a veteran you know, we hope it will speak to them as well.
The Radvocate
What started in 2011 as a poorly-xeroxed cry for artistic solidarity in the form of a zine, morphed into an open-sourced platform of expression. A like-minded community of artists was formed: poets, authors, artists, photographers, columnists, videographers, journalists, and many more joined together from all over the country to make the eclectic issues a reality. In those flimsy paper copies, the soul of The Radvocate was forged, an irreverent but proud spirit which carries on to this day. The Radvocate is a new kind of literary arts journal from the San Diego-based literary arts non-profit So Say We All. Get Rad.
The Whole Alphabet
In this intensely compelling nonfiction anthology, The Whole Alphabet: The Light And The Dark, a collection of brave and creative authors from across America delve into their most personal experiences to deliver unexpected and original shots to the heart. These boldly-rendered stories and poems are reflections of the authors’ true, lived experiences and are told from the perspectives of teens to octogenarians. Their creations pop from the pages, chronicling the range of their realities, from the raw in the muck to the sparkle in the parades.
Discover your queer neighbors, friends, coworkers, and community — however they identify through the alphabet and acronyms — in this compilation of riveting works, with a refreshing honesty usually reserved for the closest of confidants. No matter what labels we apply to ourselves, or what labels get applied to us, we all grow, we all learn, we all love (and if all goes well, we learn to love ourselves). So dive into this book, explore and enjoy authentic, well crafted pieces, and love.
So Say We All Press is the publishing branch of So Say We All, a 501(c)(3) literary and performing arts nonprofit based in San Diego, CA. So Say We All’s mission is to create opportunities for individuals to tell their stories, and tell them better, through three core priorities: publishing, performance, and education.
- Far East Project -
The Far East Project is an ongoing attempt to create a people’s history of San Diego’s East County through the prism of its residents’ perspectives, curated through solicited stories, poems, photography, journalism and more. In addition to this online archive, The Far East publishes print and digital books featuring exclusive content, periodically produces showcases throughout the Southern California region, and leads initiatives to strengthen the community and its economy through art.
Its first collection of stories by and about East County, “Everything Just As It Is,” was published in 2012 as a people’s history of the region told through non-fiction and poetry. A paperback version has
been designed for San Diego City College to teach in its literature and creative writing classes, where participants in the Project are invited to speak and read each semester. The Far East Project was launched in 2012 through a Creative Catalyst Fellowship granted by the San Diego Foundation.
- Last Night on Earth -
We asked 22 authors to write from the perspective of their lives – as they lived them at the moment in reality – if they had woken up one morning to learn the world would end in 24 hours, answering the implicit question, “what would you do?”
Strip away the illusion of having a future and inject an overwhelming need to act, and what you get is “Last Night On Earth,” a single novel written by different authors from all over the world, chronicling the final day of their lives in the face of a coming apocalypse. Evocative of “War of the Worlds” (without the aliens) meets “Our Town” if it were all produced by Ira Glass, “Last Night On Earth” is a lyrical experiment at discovering meaning in mortality.
Visit the Last Night On Earth website.
Currently sold out — we’ll notify as soon as more are available.