Oh No, Here Come The Allies
[Image Description: A white-presenting woman with long dark hair smiles at herself in the mirror. Text on image reads “VAMP: Good-Hearted White Folx.”]
Are you ready for March VAMP? We are, and we’re excited, ‘cause with tons of humor, insight, and love, we’re going to face the hard truths about GOOD-HEARTED WHITE FOLX!
That’s right, we’re going to hear all about the awkward (at best) interactions that white people foist onto People of Color in countless situations daily. Whether with good intentions or not, there come microaggressions, lies, and and escalated displays that range from cringey to calamitous.
So we’re going to go ahead and dive right into this difficult topic! Hear true stories about encountering GHWF in the wild, being a GHWF, and the complicated identities that get all twisted up in the problematic relationships that POC endure with well-meaning white folx. These stories are powerful, they’re hilarious, and they just might leave you questioning your own GHWF status.
TJ Tallie
Debra Bass
Kayla Brown
Alejandra Lucero Canaan
Jake Arky
Liz Thomas
Laura Preble
March VAMP: Good-Hearted White Folx
Thursday, March 31st @ 8pm
Whistle Stop: 2236 Fern St, San Diego, CA 92104
$5 suggested donation