Support SSWA’s Homecoming!
Since So Say We All started in 2009, we’ve known our ability to bring a community together to hear stories was just as important as the stories we helped people tell. It’s been over a year since the last time we’ve been able to gather in the same room for one of our shows, classes, or get-togethers, and it feels like it. Painfully.
While we’re proud that we’ve upheld our mission to support storytellers through our digital pivot this last year, we miss the energy of live audiences, the laughter, the private conversations and connections that hearing powerful stories spark. And we’re so excited, however cautiously, to tell that the day we can start coming back is in sight.
So Say We All needs your help to make it happen. We’re looking to raise $12,000 in donations by Sunday May 14th.
The pandemic did a number on us these last fourteen months, as it did many other arts organizations, causing the loss of tens of thousands of dollars through the cancellation of shows, classes, contracts, and grants that have been the foundation of our support. With the help of our community, we’ve been able to survive the bulk of this storm we’re all experiencing, but our return to safe, live programming is going to cost a lot. Until California fully reopens, SSWA will abide by state guidelines for outdoor event gatherings, but the cost for producing one live event is easily $12,000. So Say We All wants to make ten of them happen in 2021.
We need your help to ensure stories are heard, that truths find an audience, and our community reconnects again safely.
Please make a donation today to support SSWA’s Homecoming Campaign, or become a sustaining member (your first monthly gift will count towards our $12,000 goal)
With your support we can build a road for us all to come back together again, safely.
*** UPDATE! ***
We’re 25% of the way to our goal on Friday May 7th, and we have a new big piece of news to announce regarding what your gift will help fund during this campaign! Check out the video below to learn more, and thank you to all of our donors and supporters!
*** UPDATE: 5/11/21 ***
We’re halfway to our goal at $8,300! Help us come all the way home!